cdl's blog archive for January 2013

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Copyright Law


Is Candy Fair in RW?

I may in days to come suffer the back lash of my efforts in rating and commenting on, in my opinion, some less than adequate sets. I do try to be fair and I know that it may seem as if I am not always so, or at least it may appear that I am bias in some manner. I usually am more generous than I have been lately. I do not want to crash anyone's party or drag them down but I simply cannot give points for work that I am uncertain belongs to a creator. I also cannot hand out points to those who repeatedly do only what is barely required to present a set.


I know RW has to pay the bills but lately the ads have been attacking me more than ever before!
I have been counting my buttons and wishing for the day that I might have enough to get those silly glasses to hide those silly ads! I looked just now and what did my eyes behold? 42 Buttons!!

What a Wonderful Place!

cursor-view/3.png is a wonderful place! I have been following the website since shortly after its debut in 2006 and became a registered user in 2010. I was not so happy with most of the public contributions way back then but soon noticed that every time I visited the site the content improved. More people added to the gallery and Vlasta added to the software.

Update to the Dragons..

icon-image/8274-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8285-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8288-48x48x32.png imageicon-image/8287-48x48x32.png image
I added some soda pop cans to the Whimsical Dragon Icon set.
Check 'em out and let me know what you think!


icon-image/8413-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8363-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8382-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8393-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8423-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8345-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8355-64x64x32.png image icon-image/8347-64x64x32.png image

Smooth Images

I do not just create icons. Being as I may want to use the images for other projects I tend to work with larger images and higher resolutions to ensure that any printed material will render properly.

Public Domain

If you create a copy written image and someone places your image in the Public Domain without your permission you may seek litigation for damages and loss of revenue that could otherwise be generated from this work. It is a serious matter.

Potted Button Pom, Yay!

item/button-pom.png image item/button-1.png imageitem/button-3.png imageitem/button-4.png imageitem/button-2.png image


Yesterday I decided to rework my icon sets to exclude the not so desirable images. I don't really like pixelated images much and some of the icon files appear pixelated. I tried different settings and reworked a couple of sets in an effort to correct this, then I read the explanation of icons again. Pffft!

In 2013 Candy Adams...

resolves to always smell better than she tastes.
resolves to often ramble on and on about this and that, and seem to be heading towards a point, but really just babble about nothing.
resolves to maintain a clear conscience, or was that a bad memory?
resolves to remain modest and proud of it!
resolves to boycott shampoo and demand real poo!!
resolves to become a vegetarian, not because she loves animals but because she hates plants!! HA!!
resolves never to be caught dead with a necrophiliac. X<

I wish there were...
What about ICL files?
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons