Image resolution is a tricky thing. Resolution should be given in DPI, but sometimes people just use the number of pixels instead.
When making icons or other graphics that is only used on computers, the resolution in DPI does not really matter. For icons, a 2000x2000 pixels image with 60 DPI is the same as a 2000x2000 pixels image with 600 DPI. The DPI matters when the image is printed, because number_of_pixels divided by resolution_in_DPI gives physical size in inches. So, if the two images mentioned above were printed (and the printer honored the DPI), they would have different size. The first one would be 10 times bigger on paper, but more blurry than the second one. Both have the same amount of information, because they both have the same amount of pixels.
While a picture is inside the computer, only the number of pixels determines its sharpness. 1000x1000 or 2000x2000 pixels is a good starting point when one wants to make a sharp icon.