No, it gives buttons once per 1-2 days. If it gave them once per 4 hours, it would be horrifying. People would get no sleep .
Published by cdl on January 14th 2013.
1:30 am CST Monday
I got the Potted Button Pom and just plucked my 1st button! Yay!
Counting the minutes until the next one becomes ripe.
I may be able to collect one at a time every 24-48 hours.
Need to set my alarm, lol!
4:44 am CST Tuesday
I was again able to pluck a ripened button from the plant.
9:26 am CST Wednesday
Late again but at least I got a ripe button!
12:50 am CST Friday
Opps, seems I forgot to collect a button yesterday!
3:57 am CST Saturday
I was here at 12:57 am, 7 minutes later than yesterday, but the the dang thing wasn't ripe yet!
4:24 am CST Tuesday
Who would think that you could forget to collect a free button everyday? This was button #6!
10:05 am CST Wednesday
I don't think it is every 24 hours exactly.
3:55 pm CST Saturday
Dang! I want to kick myself! Why can't I remember to do this, even when I am in here?
10:20 pm CST Sunday
Ding-dang darnit! No button... yet...
6:20 am CST Monday
Yay! Another button! .. finally.. lol
2:55 pm CST Wednesday
Yay! A button! lol
8:05 pm CST Friday
Another button! Yay!
7:45 am CST Wednesday
Yup, I sort of forgot for a few days but I got another button!
9:45 am CST Friday
Ahh! Another button! How sweet it is!
11:50 am CST Monday
Yay! A button!
1:15 pm CST Wednesday
I'm rich in buttons! Well, almost! lol
10:00 pm CST Thursday
Wow! My 1st Thursday Button! lol Happy V-Day!
Well, after a month of randomly collecting buttons from the Potted Button Pom I have collected 16 buttons! I am sure you could collect a few more if you figured out exactly when to check for a ripe button. I know it is more than 24 hours and I think it is less than 36 hours... What do you think?
No, it gives buttons once per 1-2 days. If it gave them once per 4 hours, it would be horrifying. People would get no sleep .
Aww shucks, still better than nothing!
yay! free buttons! lol
How do you get one, anyhow?
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