Sirea's blog archive for December 2010

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Happy New Year! icon-view/2875.png image

ps. I am working on Eggs icons (Easter coming soon)

Glass Zoo 3

Do you know my glass animals icons? It is Glass Zooicon-view/2479.png image and Glass Zoo 2 icon-view/3121.png image. Now, I am looking for inspiration for Glass Zoo 3. If you have idea please leave comment.

Balloon 2011

New icon in New-year-celebration icon set.
Balloon to celebrate new year icon-view/4535.png image 2011

Spherie Cursors

Next of my complete cursor set.. named Spherie in untypical style. SpherieBusy

Minesweeper app

I am happy.. :-)
Minesweeper icons Mine were used in application on facebook.. Look at:

RGB Cursor Set

I made complete cursor set in red-green-blue style.. Look at RGB CursorHandwriting.

What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background
I wish there were...