Cursor Set - Spherie

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Spherie Cursors

  • Published on December 15th 2010 by .
  • Released under the Attribution Required (CC by) license.
4.8 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Complete cursors set made from torus and sphere in untypical style.


by Sirea

See also

transperent white Teasertransperent white Cursors
by Anonymous1854a small set of transperent white cursors handmade with sib cursor editor
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by Davez1928Edit of Red Glow Set. This one has golden edges and a deeper colour r...
Medieval TeaserMedieval Cursors
by VitruvianSasquatch1769A simple cursor set utilizing either a sword, arrow or signpost as a ...
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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Erik registered user on December 16th 2010

4 out of 5 stars.

Nice Ions


user icon Anonymous on December 16th 2010

I knew it was yours before I even clicked on the link. nice work!

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on December 16th 2010

5 out of 5 stars.

Oops, sorry, that's me not logged in.

user icon Leo_de_Jevga registered user on January 4th 2011

5 out of 5 stars.

good work ;-) 9/10
(- its to slowly^^)

user icon Anonymous on March 25th 2011

cool , but color??

user icon SoaringEagle789 registered user on June 24th 2012

they look like atoms. i like them.

user icon Jason registered user on March 8th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

I thinkthey are really good. they move really smoothly. :-)

user icon Anonymous on March 14th 2016

Nice idea!

user icon Anonymous