Cursor Set - Halo Reach DMR

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Halo Reach DMR Cursors

Halo Reach DMR
  • Published on November 1st 2010 by Shadow0fIntent.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3.5 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Halo Reach DMR crosshairs. Sadly these don't explode when clicked. However, if this site allowed uploading .PNG files, you could have a exploding DMR cursor, (I have one on my computer =).

Tags: Game Halo


by Shadow0fIntent

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on November 18th 2010

could u put the zip link with the exploding dmr cursor in a file on mediafire then tell us the link to the site please

user icon Anonymous on November 20th 2010

Can You Please Tell Us Where To Get The exploding DMR cursor PLease!!!! :-(

user icon Shadow0fIntent registered user on December 6th 2010

alright, i'll set up a download. while i'm at it i'll probably make the entire DMR, (a.k.a. first person shooter desktop).

user icon Teddy registered user on April 13th 2011

4.5 out of 5 stars.

kust get dropbox and upload it as public and you'll be able to send everyone a downloading link if he wants one.
I made a full set of halo energy swords, they are animated (the energy lightning between the two sabres is moving) and many friends of mine rated them as epic.
So if You are interested in them post it at my profile because I am thinking about releasing them on the bungie site for free, but if I do so I won't release them here.
So tell me what you want

user icon Anonymous on June 15th 2011

Shadow i still dont see it? :((( i really want one really bad im not lieing :-(

user icon Anonymous on July 29th 2011

this is awsm! :-D

user icon Anonymous on July 31st 2011

This is Cannibalistic Awesomeness dude. You rock.

user icon Anonymous on October 6th 2011

Hey! what happened to the exploding router!? i still dont see it! :-( and its the same person as beforeee

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on July 23rd 2012

4.5 out of 5 stars.

I would have given you 5 stars if this was a compleat set but it still is really good, I like the animation.


user icon Anonymous on May 10th 2016

need more cursors and suggestions on where to use them

user icon Anonymous