Cursor Set - Polandball

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Polandball Cursors

  • Published on October 28th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
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That is a one-off cursor set that differs from all the cursor sets that are created by 2groudon on DeviantArt. This cursor set is based on the theme of red and white. The country flag Poland was used as the base color scheme, using a ball for all of its cursors. The ball is the key here so this cursor set was named Polandball by 2groudon on his official page below:

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Originally uploaded on DeviantArt on, Published: Apr 27, 2018 by 2groudon user.

This cursor set only appears in a static version and feature a Poland flag colors and ball object for the design of each of the 17 cursor roles. Perfect and optimized for Windows 10 and Windows 11 users.

There are six arrows. All the arrows are perfect triangles pointing to the same orientation, with some iconography next to them to represent the cursor actions. The iconography cursors are part of the same cursor roles using those additional mini cursors. The Unavailable cursor role looks like an irregular hard drawn circle. This was done intentionally from the owner of this cursor set to give it a different style to this particular cursor role.

The Link Select cursor role is the only arrowed cursor to have a thick blue outline edge to make it recognizable and distinguishable from the Normal Select cursor role. Otherwise, the Link Select cursor role would confuse users with the Normal Select cursor role pointing default arrow.

The Busy and Working In Background cursor roles have a light grey background as the base color and the circle is a perfect circle. Perfectly drawn and perfectly scaled according to resolution and cursor type.

I have not made this cursor set, so all the credit goes to 2groudon for making it.

All the hotspots were in the wrong place, so I fixed them all myself. Now, the cursor set is flawless and works properly as it is supposed to be.

Tags: Flag ■ Red □ White



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user icon RIDDLER registered user on October 28th 2024

Country flag - Poland - cursor set.

user icon Anonymous