Early preview of the next RWIE

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Early preview of the next RWIE

Published by Vlasta on April 11th 2013.

It has been almost 3 years since the last version of RealWorld Icon Editor was published. I would very much like to release an update, but I am not there yet. While the support for vector layers is now complete, I also want to have 3D layers in the next RWIE and it is going to take some more time to get them right.

But, since RWIE 2010.1 is "so old", I have decided to make a preview version publicly available. The only purpose of this version is to demonstrate, what is coming. It is NOT supposed to be used for serious work as there are many errors and missing functions. It is a portable version. If you want to play with it, unzip it into an empty folder and delete it when you are done with it. It will not affect RWIE 2010.1 if you have it installed.

Download link: RWIconEditor.zip

Points of interest

The first thing you may notice is that the New Rendered Image wizard is gone (though it may return in the final version). Standalone R3I images are being phased out. Instead, you can use 3D layers in Layered images. When you create a new image, there is a New 3D layer icon in the Layers panel.

A layered image with just 3D layers is more or less the same as an R3I file. Legacy R3I files are still usable, they will now open as layered images.

If you create a 3D layer, the application will become very slow, especially if the resolution is high. To make it at least temporarily faster, try switching the rendering device in the Renderer panel.

One of the advantages the 3D layer has over the R3I files is the ability to put multiple 3D objects into the scene and move and rotate them.

Also gone are the problems with transparent background and gamma correction.

Be aware that adjusting lights, background color and camera in the current build is almost impossible. Oh, and 'Remove empty background' does not work with 3D layers - rasterize them if you need to use it.

Beside 3D, you can use vector layers in image and icon editors.

There also is some info in an earlier post. More later...

Recent comments

user icon cdl contributing user on April 14th 2013

I'm pleased to see that you are working on an update!
Thanks for the beta preview.

icon-image/8300-32x32x32.png image

user icon Damir registered user on April 29th 2013

I was hoping to see layer functionality being expanded. For example it would be extremely useful if effects like drop shadow or Move operation could be applied to a selection of layers at once. It's pretty awkward right now, especially for moving image without merging layers...


user icon Vlasta site administrator on April 29th 2013

Using Drop shadow and other effects will work on multiple layers at once in the final version - it should already work when editing images (the icon editor user interface layout is not configured for this yet). I can also easily extend the Paste style command to apply layer style to all selected layers.

Using the Move tool or other drawing tools on multiple layers would be much harder, it is unlikely that I will be able to implement that in the upcoming version.

Thanks for the feedback, if you have other suggestions, I'd love to hear about them.

user icon Anonymous
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