Vlasta's blog archive for April 2013

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Download sites considered harmful

Few days ago, I have visited some of the more well known download sites to see how my software is doing or read an occasional review left there by a happy/unhappy user. I was horrified. Virtually all download sites are overloaded with ads and, what is worse, many of them mislead users to download and install adware instead of the software they actually wanted.

Google+ authorship thumbnail

Google+ authorship

As many of you know, there are 3 contact fields on your profile pages. They allow you to connect your rw-designer profile with your other profiles on the internet. If you have a Google+ profile, connecting it correctly may have an additional advantage for you.

Early preview of the next RWIE

It has been almost 3 years since the last version of RealWorld Icon Editor was published. I would very much like to release an update, but I am not there yet. While the support for vector layers is now complete, I also want to have 3D layers in the next RWIE and it is going to take some more time to get them right.

No change really

We live in an age, where information rules. There is a lot of useful bits of info out there, but there is even more noise. Rw-designer.com is much smaller than the whole world, but it may still be difficult to not miss any of the useful bits and not be distracted by the noise. The problem is of course in the definition of useful and noise as every person has their own interests.

Latest WEBP codec supported in RealWorld Paint

Google's WEBP reached 0.3.0 - Mozilla still unconvinced. Although I am a WEBP fan, I perfectly understand Mozilla's position. The Google's image format is still new and rough. Neither the specification nor the libwebp are ready to be widely used. I just spent a couple of days integrating the latest version of libwebp into my freeware image editor and here is a summary of my experiences.

User icons on the People tab

I have made a slight change to the People section of this web site. You can now see icons of users (if they have an approved icon). Another addition is the Subscribe button, which allows you to watch what the people you select are doing (blogging, posting icon or cursor sets).

I wish there were...
Select background
What about ICL files?
Vista & Win 7 icons