Published by Vlasta on April 3rd 2013.
I have made a slight change to the People section of this web site. You can now see icons of users (if they have an approved icon). Another addition is the Subscribe button, which allows you to watch what the people you select are doing (blogging, posting icon or cursor sets).
If you Subscribe to someone, their blog posts, created or modified icon and cursor sets will appear in the news feed on your profile page. If you choose so, you can also receive these notifications via email.
Not many uses have approved icons right now. Icons that follow the guidelines are usually approved within one day. If yours was not approved, it is most likely not following the guidelines. The user icon must be an illustration of yourself and your head should occupy at least 50% of the icon. Photos, or illustrations of symbols, animals or things will not be approved. If you do not know how to create your user icon, there is a tutorial by Sirea. Or, if you do not trust your drawing skills, PM Sirea and she may even create an icon for you.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.