Time before a release is both stressful and boring. No exciting large-scale functions are being added, bugs are being found and being fixed, praying that a fix does not destroy anything else. But, occasionally, a small step for a developer can be a giant leap for the end user.
Published by Vlasta on April 26th 2008.
It has been 3 years since the first public version of RealWorld Icon Editor was released on April 17th 2005. RWIE is still one of the youngest, but is has already managed to establish itself and has positively influenced the whole industry.
Published by Vlasta on April 18th 2008.
Amazingly easy to use and surprisingly powerful. Picture Resizer started as a toy, but evolved into a something more. A flexible tool with unexpected features packed in a less than 300kB of data. Version 3.0 released today adds more of the good stuff.
Published by Vlasta on April 14th 2008.
Beta version of RealWorld Icon Editor 2008.1 will be sent to beta testers this weekend. If you’d like to participate, leave a comment with a contact info and few words about yourself (it won’t be published, no worry).
Published by Vlasta on April 9th 2008.
New version of the popular freeware icon editor IcoFX was released this week. Let’s look at its new features and how does it compare to other similar applications.
Published by Vlasta on April 4th 2008.
Possibly the biggest change in RealWorld Icon Editor 2008.1 will be a redesigned raster editor and scripting subsystem. This change is a major one and it is responsible for the long period between the upcoming and the previous versions. Some aspects of the new raster editor were already discussed in previous posts (here, here, here, and here) and an incomplete version can be seen in RW Cursor Editor or in the beta of RW Photos.
Published by Vlasta on April 1st 2008.