Published by Vlasta on April 14th 2008.
Amazingly easy to use and surprisingly powerful. Picture Resizer started as a toy, but evolved into a something more. A flexible tool with unexpected features packed in a less than 300kB of data. Version 3.0 released today adds more of the good stuff.
Picture Resizer was designed to be usable by people with almost no computer skills. All you need to do is drag and drop files or folders on the tool’s icon. Target size can be specified by simply renaming the tool.
There are of course alternate ways. You can easily add one or more commands to Explorer context menu. There is also a 3rd party GUI that lets you pick the size in a dialog window.
The tool is indeed powerful. Here is a list of things it does implicitly or when asked to. Can any other resizer do the same?
Version 3.0 is able to use multiple processors or multiple cores to resize multiple images in parallel.
Another and rater unique new feature is the ability to change aspect ratio (with the -g switch) of pictures using the image carving method. The method takes image content into account and removes least significant portions of the image first. It usually gives better results than cropping and is fully automated.
Note how the clouds are closer to each other on the right photo instead of being distorted by the aspect ratio change. This function is ideally suited to adjust large photos to your LCD display.
Download the Picture Resizer freeware tool from its homepage.
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