Spam goodness

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Spam goodness

Published by Vlasta on March 1st 2011.

Spam sucks, right? Spam delivered on white paper in an envelop sucks even more. But even a bad thing may sometimes have a positive side effect. Take a look.

Text in circle.
Rounded text, hooray!

Yes, it is true, next version of RealWorld editors will allow you to make circular text easily. Thanks to the mail spammers. Here is the story...

Few days ago I opened an envelope I found in the mailbox. Inside was a single sheet of paper with advertisement. An ugly (all ads are ugly) specimen in white, red and green with a lot of text.

rsrc/ad-with-rounded-text.jpg image
This is that fatal ad.

I usually throw such things in the recycle bin as soon as possible, but not that time. I noticed a couple of visual inconsistencies on the ad, bad blending, unrealistic reflections, incorrect shadows, etc. And I thought: "This is lame, I could design a better ad in Paint.COM without much trouble." And I studied the ad for some time, imagining how I would use the tools of Paint.COM to put together such ad. All was doable, except one thing: a circular text.

And here I am, 3 days later, with an improved TEXT tool that can be used to create text in circles. When the new version is out, all of you can start designing ads and gain some bad karma.

Recent comments

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on March 1st 2011

Entertaining post. This is a great feature to have. And I with my never ending streams of "How can we ad even more complexity to perfection..." - Perhaps text could eventually be made to follow a drawn line, or wrap around other shapes as well, such as squares and triangles.

Hey, can you send me that spam? I think I want to buy some of that stuff. LOL.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on March 1st 2011

Yes, I have a prototype for that, but it is not ready. I guess I'll first need to improve the line/curve and then allow putting text on arbitrary shapes.

The thing is, I do not even know what the advertised product was, I just know, it smells like that green lemons. Though I do not know what is so cool about their smell. It is a puzzle.

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on March 2nd 2011

Entertaining post indeed. I like this idea very much, i cant wait for RealWorld Photos 2011!!

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on March 2nd 2011

It looks like a lime scented shower kit. Probably contains shampoo, soap, conditioner, and body wash.

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on March 6th 2011

Circular text is possible now, if you place text in the right spot and use the polar to cartesian/cartesian to polar command.

user icon absterninja registered user on March 28th 2011

What language is it in?

user icon Anonymous
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