TI 80 Emulation

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TI 80 Emulation

Published by on April 16th 2019.

rsrc/TI-80-Calculator.gif image
rsrc/TI-80-Calculator-Enlarged.gif image

Comment below on what you think! :-)

Recent comments

user icon Vlazteron registered user on December 9th 2019

Good job, it is really amazing! Your animation is one of the best works I have ever seen. Keep up the good work! ;-)

user icon ChrisCursorMaker457 registered user on April 28th 2020

Maybe now to let someone code this to a real emulator! It's one of the *b e s t* works I have ever seen in my life! And don't make a set too bad that you'll be infamous! ;-)

user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 3rd 2021

Thanks! Keep in mind that the TI-80's screen is small. (by the way, the gif is actually a fake, but it looks like a TI-80's screen, because of its size.)

user icon Anonymous on August 16th 2021


Baabaa, baaabaa, baabaa. Babababaaa. :-)

user icon nibbler forum moderator on September 12th 2021

Given on how SMALL THE SCREEN IS (!), it's quite a portable calculator, not that I have one. I actually own a TI-nspire CX II CAS, which is a very high-tech calculator, ready for college. Fun fact: I even put Minecraft on it! icon-image/16676-16x16x32.png image

rsrc/paulasignature.png image

btw, that is my new signature on every post I, you know, post.

user icon Henry vntv registered user on March 27th 2022

that is so cool dude :-D

user icon Anonymous
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Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...
What about ICL files?