Cosmic Journey

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Cosmic Journey

Published by on September 14th 2011.

After many months of sluggish development Cosmic Journey is finished! Everyone can try to beat the best pilots of the universe in the ultimate cosmic tournament on now. The game consists from six different levels plus one extra level called the Iron Man where you have to go through all previous levels at once. It is good to have a profile and be logged in because then the score is recorded in the hall of fame and if you win a level you can start from the following one next time.

I hope you will enjoy it. And I would like to thank sixλxis for awesome music he composed for this game.

If you have hard time beating the game, check the Cosmic Journey help.

1680x1050 CJ wallpaper
1280x1024 CJ wallpaper

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on March 23rd 2021

um ok

user icon Account not found registered user on September 26th 2022

Why iron man is all stages at once? It should make reference to the star wars death star, all enemies should be included in the stage. and the text should be:
Destroy the death planet

user icon Anonymous
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