Smoother animations in future versions

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Smoother animations in future versions

Published by Vlasta on August 10th 2022.

RealWorld Paint and Cursor Editor are capable of creating and editing simple animations. Each frame is a separate image that is displayed for a certain amount of time. This system is fine for mouse pointers and for simple animations used on the web, but not ideal for more complex tasks. But maybe it is possible to improve it...

YouTube stream tomorrow (Thursday 11th)

If you want to see the new function in action or try it yourself, join the stream at

Download links:
Use with caution, they are rough around the edges.

Assistant for generation of intermediate frames

Future versions will have the ability to create new frames from a pair of existing consecutive frames. I have started with these 2 frames when creating the inflating balloon cursor.

rsrc/balloon-2.png image

Then I let the program generate 10 intermediate frames for me and this is what I got:

rsrc/balloon-10.png image

The new function is relatively simple to use, you just select 2 consecutive frames, click a button and choose how many frames to generate. But there are strict conditions that have to be met, otherwise the generation fails. The 2 frames must have exactly the same number and type of layers, if vector layers are used, they must contain the same number and types of objects.

The operation works best with vector layers. It is able to interpolate almost any number used in the object, but there must be equal number of "numbers" in both objects. For example it will smoothly move a line or an ellipse from one position to another. If you use the "Shape" tool to create arbitrary shapes, there must be equal number of segments in both objects. Additionally, it is possible to interpolate layer styles, if they match in type. For example, if you use 1px shadow on the first frame and 10px shadow on the second one, you will see the shadow size increasing in the generated intermediate frames. You can interpolate colors, change opacity, etc.

I expect the typical scenario to be:

  1. create the first frame
  2. duplicate the frame
  3. move objects in the second frame
  4. let the program generate the intermediate frames

Recent comments

user icon Account not found registered user on August 10th 2022

How do i edit the text on unicorn3D??

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 11th 2022

The smoother, the better. I do not know how text is edited in Unicorn 3D. I think there is a text entry in the editor on the side. Try it.

Please improve all the animation smoothness and effects for RW Cursor Editor. Please also add 3D effects for cursor wizards and do not forget to add all the remaining missing cursor wizards, which I need. I need all the 17 cursor wizards, as I discussed with you before, so please do not refuse to add all the missing cursor wizards that I have requested.

user icon Account not found registered user on August 13th 2022

Is not necesary anymore, i now know how to edit text in unicorn3d

user icon Anonymous
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What about ICL files?
I wish there were...
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