The RealWorld curse

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The RealWorld curse

Published by Vlasta on December 4th 2011.

Every software has bugs. There are various kinds of bugs, some are serious showstoppers, others may be just inconvenient or simply funny. And then there are those hilarious and ridiculous ones.

Trivial bugs with large consequences

Almost every RW application had a sneaky bug when it was released. For example the latest RWPhotos was marked as beta on the first day. And whoever downloaded it on that first day is going to see a "beta expired" message on the end of this year and would need to re-download and re-install the software. Fixing such a bug is trivial, but repairing the damage it caused is not so easy, because some people would need to reinstall the tool.

Automatic updates save the day?

This was one of the reasons why I decided to add automatic updates to the latest RWPaint. Automatic updates would certainly allow me to fix such problems without bothering the affected people, I thought... Well, unless there is a bug in the automatic updates. And believe it or not, there was a bug in the automatic updates, the only piece of the software, where automatic updating cannot fix it (obviously).

How serious is the bug?

If you have downloaded a plug-in, the automatic updates work fine. If not, the bug manifests.

The problem is in the plug-ins folder, if it does not exist, the updates fail. This looks innocent, but it is not. If auto-updates fail, the software re-tries after 1 minute. If I posted any updates, the web server would be instantly overloaded, because every running RWPaint would be constantly downloading and failing and downloading and failing...

Is there a way out?

Fortunately, there is a way out. Multiple ones.

If you have downloaded the installation package after October 19th, you are fine. If you have downloaded the package earlier and installed any plug-in, you are fine as well.

If you are not sure, verify the file version of RWDesignerCore.dll It should be at least If you have an older version, consider replacing it with this one or re-installing the application or installing any plug-in.

Is it worth it?

Yes, having the automatic updates working has benefits. Check out the update log. There is a new Satin layer style (similar to Photoshops layer style), improved compatibility with file format, some bug fixes and the latest update is support for animated PNGs.

Remember, it may take up to 5 days for the update to arrive on your computer.

Recent comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on December 4th 2011

"The problem is in the plug-ins folder, if it does not exist, the updates fail."

(-_-) *facepalms*

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
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