RealWorld Paint versions

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RealWorld Paint 2023.1 released

Released on May 13th 2023.

Version 2023.1 brings batch processing, new image effects, scalable user interface, layer groups, and redesigned user interface for layer styles.

Change list:

  • Import and export majority of existing SVG images.
  • Batch process images and animations using built-in and custom operations.
  • Layers can be put into a group (a layer with sub-layers).
  • New "Subtle" color scheme for the canvas and configurable control handle size.
  • Redesign of layer style user interface to support nondestructive editing of photos and iterative designing. Individual layer effects are visible in the Layers panel as sub-items, effects can be added directly from the main menu. A layer effect configuration is visible in the right side panel when an effect is selected. Some layer effects can be modified using control handles on the canvas.
  • Stroke tool is a more powerful version of Line and Curve tools supporting multi-part curves.
  • Experimental support for conversion of hand drawn shapes to Bézier curves with given accuracy in the Shape and Stroke tools.
  • Text tool and the new Stroke tool can use different color for an outline. Outline alignment and join style are configurable.
  • Long shadow effect, Projected shadow effect (replacement of the Projected shadow tool, now usable as a layer style).
  • Vector shape offsetting (produces a polygon).
  • Morph command to help generate intermediate frames in animations with vector layers.
  • Multiple CPU cores are used when updating canvas or applying some effects (configurable in main Options).
  • ...and many minor improvements.

RWPaint 2013.1 service pack 1

Released on June 20th 2013.

Multiple minor updates and bugfixes including:

  • Bézier deformation mode added to Transform tool.
  • Flip or mirror floating selection from context menu.
  • Image effect configuration windows use a different layout with configuration in a single column at the right side of the window.
  • Holding SHIFT while drawing with Pencil or Brush tools forces a straight line.
  • Pasting layer style applies the style to all selected layers.
  • Changing frame duration while multiple frames are selected sets the duration to those frames.
  • Use image in clipboard when filling with pattern.
  • Shrink/grow image mask by multiple pixels; bugfixes related to image masks.
  • Multiple bugfixes and enhancements related to vector images, text elements and shape outlines.
  • Speedups when editing images with a lot of layers and layer styles.
  • Customizable application name and splash screen.
  • And other fixes.

Since these are relatively minor fixes, the version number remained at 2013.1. Some of the enhancements were available before the SP1 release date and some will be delivered by automatic updates. Nevertheless, it is recommended to uninstall the current version and download this update and install it. After that, it is also recommended to reset configuration to experience all enhancements.

RealWorld Paint 2013.1 released

Released on March 21st 2013. Old version archive.

The major change in version 2013 is the support for vector layers. Objects placed in vector layer can be modified at any time and maintain sharpness when the image is resized.

Change list:

  • Vector layers.
  • Shape tool for creating shapes from Bezier arcs.
  • Image brush now respects active color if the pattern is monochrome.
  • Polygon tool with configurable start shape.
  • Out-of-canvas content supported for both vector and raster layers.
  • Effects automatically remember up to 5 last configurations and allow you to return to them or to reset values to defaults.
  • Color picker and fill style selector were merged and simplified.
  • Redesigned tool configuration panels.
  • Two-column window layout with Layers panel on the left side and a new Media panel on the right side.
  • More types of downloadable media packs and easier application of downloaded styles.
  • Improved .psd import - vector masks are imported as vector layers.
  • ...and many minor improvements.

Saving files with UAC on

Released on January 28th 2012.

RW applications can now save files to locations protected by the Vista/Win7 UAC. You will get the standard UAC prompt when you attempt to save a file into a protected folder (like C:\Windows or C:\Program Files) instead of just a failure report.

Animated PNG support

Released on December 1st 2011.

The PNG codec is now able to read and write PNG animations. Animations and pictures are always written using 32-bit color depth. To create animated pngs instead of gifs by default, add the Animated PNG Image to your favorite formats above the GIF Image on the Formats tab of the Application options window. 3.5.10 compatibility

Released on November 30th 2011.

The .PDN format codec is now able to import files saved with version 3.5.10 of Minor bugs were fixed in export to .pdn, .xcf and .psd.

Satin layer style

Released on October 19th 2011.

The satin image effect was added. It is by default only available as a layer style and works similarly as the Photoshop's satin layer style.

RealWorld Paint 2011.1

Released on October 9th 2011. Old version archive.

This version includes many significant changes and updates. The tool can now edit animations and it can export and import Photoshop, GIMP and files. There are new tools and filters from RealWorld Photos.

Change list:

  • Animation editor with layers and zero-config GIF optimizer.
  • Photo-related tools (red eye remover, clone tool, crop tool) from RW Photos.
  • Command line interface for drawing tools.
  • Image brush.
  • Redesigned Online page with news and downloadable media.
  • Automated updates.
  • Many new photo-related image filters from RW Photos.
  • Redesigned codec subsystem. Can import and export layered images in .psd, .xcf, and .pdn formats. Some layer styles from Photoshop files are imported and converted to RealWorld styles.
  • Improved layer styles editor.
  • ...and many minor improvements.

RealWorld Paint.COM 2009.1

Released on April 14th 2009. Old version archive.

This version is focused on non-image-related features:

  • Official support for portability.
  • Community-driven translations.
  • Online page with tutorials and news.
  • Fill, move and lasso tools.
  • Minor tweaks to transformation tool.
  • Photoshop filter compatiblity fix.
  • ...and some minor improvements.

RealWorld Paint.COM 2008.1

Released on December 25th 2008. Old version archive.

This is the first publicly available version of Paint.COM featuring:

  • Raster editor with layers (with layer styles).
  • Basic drawing tools and image filters.
  • Ability to run Photoshop-compatible image filters.
What about ICL files?
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I wish there were...