RW Paint and Cursor Editor beta - April 2nd stream

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RW Paint and Cursor Editor beta - April 2nd stream

Published by on April 2nd 2023.

Version 2023 of RealWorld Paint and RealWorld Cursor Editor is getting close. From now on, I will be working exclusively on fixing bugs and not on adding new functions. You can participate by downloading the latest version, testing it on your computer and contacting me if you find a bug - something that was supposed to work and did not.

YouTube stream:

rsrc/cursor-beta-2023.jpg image

List of new features

  • Support for Layer groups.
  • Layer styles redesign - effects are visible in layer list, can be dragged and dropped, copied and pasted, effect configuration is visible in the side panel, some styles can be modified via control handles on the canvas.
  • Performance improvements for some effects.
  • New canvas style - size of control handles is configurable and control handles and lines disappear when mouse leaves the canvas to not obscure the image.
  • Long shadow effect added.
  • Deleting and duplication of shapes, layers, etc. look and feel is unified in the Edit menu.
  • Crop and Brush tools are usable in vector layer.
  • SVG import and export was introduced/improved.
  • Icons and other user interface elements support scaling factors larger than 150%.
  • Ability to set outline alignment for vector shapes (inside, centered, outside).
  • Morph command for easier animation.
  • Batch processing of images.
  • Recoloring tool.

Cursor Editor extras:

  • Adjustments for easier modification of cursors larger than 48x48 pixels.
  • Vector layers in cursors.
  • Support for new cursor roles - person select and location select.
  • New and improved wizards for fast cursor creation.

Recent comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on April 2nd 2023

Thank you so much Vlasta for willing to improve RealWorld Cursor Editor. Please make sure that you add all the cursor role wizards with multiple presets and settings so that users and I can make fully animated cursors quickly and accurately with an infinite amount of possibilities.

I want RealWorld Cursor Editor to be able to create, save and upload animated cursor files to the RealWorld Website with a maximum file size of 10MB instead of the 2MB limit.

If you can, please add more useful tools, brushes, shapes and coloring effects which are beneficial for the expansion of RealWorld Cursor Editor. I am asking this because RealWorld Cursor Editor is too basic, lacks too many features and was last updated in 2013, which is now 10 years ago.

Please update everything in this software.

Thank you, Vlasta.

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
I wish there were...