Deleting anonymous comments

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Deleting anonymous comments

Published by on June 9th 2023.

Just a quick update. Authors of cursor and icon sets should now be able to delete anonymous comments on the page with the sets. This should help people keep the pages cleaner. Only comments less than 1 month old can be deleted. Let me know if you encounter problems with this feature.

You should only remove comments that are clearly breaking the guidelines. Remember that people are allowed to express their opinion about the artwork in the set, and it is fine if they do not like it. On the other hand, you should remove comments that directly attack the author, are completely irrelevant, or do not add any value to the conversation (like a line full of smilies and nothing else, woooooooooooooooords like this or longer and similar excesses that make the comment section look illegible).

Recent comments

user icon nibbler forum moderator on June 9th 2023

icon-image/14704-48x48x32.png image

Looking forward to that. I'm glad this problem is getting some attention. I had issues with many Anonymous users posting ugly and strange messages on my sets' comment section.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on June 9th 2023

I like your green thumb up. Do not worry. Ignore those noobs commenting wicked comments on your profile. Report them politely and deal with them by reporting strong offensive language to the moderators and administrators of this site.

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on June 11th 2023

thank you alot vlasta, this is very helpful!

user icon RIDDLER registered user on June 12th 2023

A green thumb up is always very welcoming and very thankful!!!

user icon Animelove_1105 registered user on June 12th 2023

I tried doing that on a recent cursor set I made. I deleted it, but it was still there when I refreshed the page. Btw the comment was on a pride-related set. to the comment. I think that this is a homophobic comment. Not sure why it doesn’t work for me.

user icon The Male Boss registered user on July 18th 2023

This seems like a great new feature haven’t used it yet but I’ve noticed you do get some anonymous user who use the opportunity to spam or just type inappropriate things.

user icon hamzasolom20 registered user on August 13th 2023

What a petty and unreasonable deletion.
There is nothing clearly homophobic in that comment.

user icon BG5DF registered user on September 6th 2023

Now i know about this feature. I delete some spam comment
rsrc/spam1.PNG image

user icon BG5DF registered user on September 11th 2023

Can you apply it to forums?

user icon Anonymous on September 12th 2023


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