Everything you ever wanted to know about JDDellGuy

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Everything you ever wanted to know about JDDellGuy

Published by on December 25th 2010.

Hello everyone!
Hope your all enjoying the great winter break and everything!

So I thought I'd just share a little about myself.

I am 19 years old and in college to become an IT Network Specialist. (Just finished my Freshman semester) What does that mean? I am going to be one of the guys who keeps the internet running. This site for example. Maybe Vlasta hosts it himself, but I'm going to guess that he pays a fee to another company that stores this website for people to see. This website is currently sitting on a powerful computer known as a server. If the server stops working, so does the site. Network specialists keep servers running. They also keep the routers, switches, and data connections between servers and other devices working. So when you connect to the internet, Network Specialists are there to make sure you can connect.

I work at Subway. I am one of the fastest sandwich artists you will find. I also have higher standards than most of my coworkers which kinda doesn't go over with them so well all of the time. They think I'm a little hard on them. (I'm not a manager, I've just been there for a lot longer than them, so they have to look up to me a little.) I love my job, but with college helping me learn more about my future career, I've been looking for a job with more to do with computers.

I have a couple of hobbies. One is collecting Snapple lids- you know, the the iced tea the puts a fun fact on the bottom of the lid. My goal is to collect fact numbers 1 through 300+. I also enjoy making Pinatas. Those cardboard animals and shapes that you fill with candy and beat up until the goodies inside fall out. And of course, I like making cursors using the RealWorld Graphics software. I tend to say that I am working on or thinking of working on cursor sets a lot. And then...I don't make them. What usually happens is that I am working on them, all excited and everything, and then I lose interest. Right now, I just like to release full sets, not partial sets. So unless I have all 15 cursors ready, you probably won't see them. So I mean well when I promise you these cursors, I do have them, but I have lost interest for the time being. Hence the reason I don't have any winter cursors even though I said I was thinking about them on Facebook.

By the way, you did "like" the RealWorld Graphics Facebook page right? I'm proud to say that I'm the one who set it up and take care of much of the posts. The other admins on the Facebook page are Vlasta and SixAxis of course. They are here, why not on the page that represents the site as well? So anyways, please be sure to "like" the page and recommend it to all your friends as well. And by all means, please use it as a place to advertise your newest cursor sets! Post your own (topic related) links and such, that's one of the reasons it was created.

As my cursors suggest, I'm a big fan of sci-fi themed artwork. I like the look of movies like TRON and such- the sci-fi stuff is cool. So those are the kind of things that tend to keep me interested in completing a set.

I prefer to make cursors, but I have made and released two similar icon sets, Glossy Icons and Glossy Icons Round. Both are made for the complete Microsoft Office 2007 suite and include a few other matching icons for various Social Networking sites and some internet browsers. I'm THINKING about
making a tron themed icon set for Windows extensions. (MPEG, JPEG, MOV, WAV, BMP, etc.) I'm kinda into the whole TRON thing right now.

So yeah, that's me. Hope I'm interesting to read about, and you all have a fantastic day!

P.S. I'm reading this and I apparently have quite the ego it seems... That's just the way it came out when I wrote it I hope...

Recent comments

user icon Vlasta site administrator on December 25th 2010

Thanks for the info!

The web is currently running on a shared server. I am planning to move it, because database space is limited here. But it surely is not an easy thing to maintain a web server, so I am hesitant.

I too have lots of unfinished icon and cursor sets on my computer. I try to only release full sets, because I never seem to get back to the unfinished ones.

Some people recommend to never talk or write about unfinished projects, because the act of talking is similarly satisfactory as the delivery of the actual work. Hence talking reduces motivation - there is a weird and more complex psychological explanation for this. And that is why I never talk about planned changes to the web or the software. I am not trying to be secretive ;-) .

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on December 25th 2010

Nice to see you're a busy person. ^_^

user icon Anonymous registered user on December 29th 2010

thanks for that information

user icon Anonymous on May 27th 2011


user icon Ricon registered user on September 18th 2011

Ok Anonymous.

user icon Tails the fox registered user on October 6th 2011

I NEW IT. YA KNOW THAT KID WALKING AROND WITH THE DSI THAT WAS ME! ps i know cuz you look like the guy on your profile pic.

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on October 8th 2011

Can you explain a little better? I don't know what you mean. icon-image/4587-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...