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Published by on January 8th 2011.

Greetings all artists! The cursor experiment is being revived! There's been some requests for it, and so here you go. Erik and I have discussed it a little and we have decided that there are not enough winter cursors in the gallery. So here is how it works.

1. Purpose of this experiment: To compare the various styles that each person uses when designing a cursor.

2. This is not a contest. It is an experiment. All submissions are welcome. We are looking for your finest work, but no one is to feel left out because they feel that their work is not as good as someone else's. Every person has varying capabilities and quality is relative to the artist. You are all artists. :-)

3. Rules. We must have them or the experiment will not work. So here you go.

- The theme is snowflakes. We want to see the best snowflake themed cursor that you can make. Be creative.

- Only one cursor is to be made. It is the "Normal Select" cursor. If you make more than one, that is fine. But only the "Normal Select" cursor will be added to the set.

- Name the cursor, "YourScreenName-Snowflake." For example- the one that I make will be called JDDellGuy-Snowflake. We will try to sort out any that were uploaded without this rule if we can tell who made it, but if we cannot tell that it was destined for the set, it may be left out.

- The cursor is to be uploaded under the "Released to Public Domain" License. By uploading your cursor for the experiment, you agree that anyone may use it, alter it, and re-upload it for any legal purpose. You may continue to use it yourself if you wish to expand the set for yourself and upload a complete set based on your submission. Any cursors uploaded using any other license will not be included in the set.

- And of course, you agree not to take any legal action for anything done with your cursor by submitting it to the experiment. If you see your cursor in the set and do not wish it to be there, please notify and administrator or the uploader of the set so that it can be removed.

- And finally, all submissions are final. They cannot be altered after they are added to the set. The final submission date shall be approximately one week from today. (Some of us are in different countries, so that is why it is approximate.) We will notify you all when we are going to place them into the set.

4. Here is how it will work. After you submit your cursor to the site, someone will download the cursor and re-upload it so that they can put them together in a set. If Vlasta or SixAxis does this, I think that would be good since they are admins/moderators of the site, but if they do not want to, then I will do it. The set will be posted under their name of course, unless Vlasta does something to make it not so. So you must keep in mind rule number four. You agree that someone else can upload it as their own. But the cursor should hopefully have your name on it, so that everyone gets their due credit. :-)

Any questions, please leave them below! Glad to answer them! :-)

Please post a comment here if you are interested, just so that we can have a rough estimate of how many submissions there will be in the final set.


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user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on January 22nd 2011

you have to put the whole URL in that one. Not just the part after

It should look like this.

[ [[icon:4744]]]

to get this icon-4744

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on January 22nd 2011

And now that I am looking at it up close- WOW. Nice work.

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on January 22nd 2011


user icon Teddy registered user on January 23rd 2011

Shit I've broken my left hand yesterday night :S
Wasn't at the hospital yet . . .
I'm left-handed ^^

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on January 23rd 2011

Oh man... Sorry to hear that- sounds painful. icon-image/4583-16x16x32.png image
Hey, if you still wanted to make a cursor for the set sometime, you can create it, and then we can add it to the set when you are done.

I don't really care much about the deadline rule, it was more so that we wouldn't have a ton of entries coming in way down the road and so that we could get the set populated quickly.icon-image/4632-16x16x32.png image

And to Vlasta, we can probably create the set now with the cursors that we do have, and if Naughtybear6 has one later, it can be submitted late if that's not too much trouble.

We should probably hold the icon version of the experiment for a while- I'm back in college tomorrow and probably won't be able to participate as enthusiastically as I have been. It's been a fun thing to do while I was on break. icon-image/4575-16x16x32.png image

And Naughtybear6...get well soon...have a penguin for company. icon-image/4582-16x16x32.png image

user icon Vlasta site administrator on January 24th 2011

Sorry to hear that, broken hand sucks. I hope you'll get better soon. If you'd want to add your cursor later, just PM me.

The Snowflake set is now online.

user icon JDDellGuy contributing user on January 24th 2011

It's so cool! Love it.

user icon Teddy registered user on January 25th 2011

Thank you guys <3
Ill add it later

user icon Tails the fox registered user on October 6th 2011


user icon Lost Girl registered user on February 27th 2012


user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...