A quick side-project

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A quick side-project

Published by on August 20th 2012.

In the last 5 days, I have been working on another web site. Don't worry, I found enough time to fix a few errors in the upcoming RWPaint and verified that it can be used to create an illustration from a photograph.

That little side project was a website showing paintings created by my grandmother during the last 15 years (she started painting after she retired). More than half of the painting are already online and you are welcome to visit and browse through the gallery at http://www.linetova.cz/

I wanted the gallery to be extremely simple, a gallery that draws the visitors' attention to the paintings themselves, a gallery that eliminates all distractions. I may use the same principles in the future on this web site - the icon and cursor galleries are quite polluted with unnecessary graphic elements and controls while the navigation is far from ideal.

While working on the web site, I needed to convert a photo to an illustration to use it as a logo. The picture below shows the result of about 1 hour of work in RWPaint. The image to the right is my previous attempt to create an illustration from Honzales's profile photo in Photoshop.

rsrc/janalin-illustration.png image
Made in upcoming RealWorld Paint.
rsrc/honza-illustration.png image
Made in Photoshop.

Why I am mentioning these illustrations here? Well, you have no doubt noticed the grayscale anonymous pictures to the left of every comment posted on this web. Initially, I wanted the users to be able to assemble their user icon from pre-made parts, but recently I have changed my mind and as soon as RealWorld Paint 2012.1 is released, I will update the script of this website and allow users to upload pictures for commenting (and more). There will be just one condition: the pictures will have to be illustrations made in the same style as the pictures above. More on this later...

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?