RWPaint tutorial in Digital Design Magazine

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RWPaint tutorial in Digital Design Magazine

Published by on September 6th 2012.

The latest issue of the Digital Design Magazine includes a tutorial for RealWorld Paint and RealWorld Photos and a short introduction of these programs.

The Digital Design Magazine is a new digital magazine focused on design and publishing tutorial mainly for Photoshop, but occasionally also for other graphic applications. You have to pay to get the full issue, but there are also free resources on their web site.

The tutorial for RW software was written by me and shows a simple technique how to turn a single photograph into a collage of polaroid snapshots.

Here is the result:

rsrc/final.jpg image

The original photo is available at under CC license.

Recent comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on September 12th 2012

This looks relatively easy to make.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on September 12th 2012

Yes, all steps of the tutorial are relatively easy, it just takes time to position each snapshot. ;-)

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?