Fill styles

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Fill styles

The raster editor window uses one of the drawing tools to modify the current image. Tools like line, polygon or ellipse are using the active fill style to fill their interior. Some of the fill styles have their own configuration window and/or control handles that can be moved in the raster editor.

Fill styles

  • rsrc/solid-fill.png image SOLID - shape is filled with primary, secondary or custom color.
  • rsrc/pattern-fill.png image PATTERN - shape is filled with one of the pre-configured patterns. The patterns use 2 colors, the primary and secondary one.
  • rsrc/linear-fill.png image LINEAR - shape is filled with a linear gradient.
  • rsrc/radial-fill.png image RADIAL - shape is filled with a radius gradient.
  • rsrc/conical-fill.png image CONICAL - shape is filled with a angular gradient.
  • rsrc/clouds-fill.png image CLOUDS - shape is filled with generated cloud-like shapes.
  • rsrc/wood-fill.png image WOOD - shape is filled with a generated wood-resembling pattern.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on April 19th 2014

I'm trying to fill a shape, but I don't know how. I have it on solid and I'm using fill, but when I click inside the shape nothing happens. :-(

user icon Vlasta site administrator on April 19th 2014

The fill tool? Using a color that is not completely transparent? What is the current color of the "shape"?

user icon Anonymous on April 22nd 2014

I am trying to fill like Windows Paint does -- until it hits another color. However, I am trying to use a pattern. I try fill or flood fill and neither seems to accomplish this. Can't seem to find the documentation on how to fill either. Can anyone help?

user icon Bob registered user on October 15th 2014

trying to make a simple circle filled with yellow and the color tools just will not appear??? Please help.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on October 15th 2014

first, select the Ellipse tool, then make sure the right tab is set to Editing

user icon Anonymous on July 30th 2018

Is there a way to replace all of the pixels of the same colour with another colour?

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
Select background