I would like to construct a command line to rezise all images with the following:
All images to be resized in drive E:\ including all subfolders
All images to be overwritten with the processed version
The longer side of all images to be resized to 1600px with aspect ratio maintained
All images with the longer size equal or less than 1600px to be left alone
Compression of 90 to be applied to all processed images
What would be the command line for the above?
Many thanks in advance.
PhotoResize1600IRSQ90.exe E:\
There is a renaming wizard on the tool's main page - you just pick your options and it tells you how to rename it.
Thank you for your response, but this is what I was looking for:
PhotoResize.exe -^1600 -r -i -m -q90 -s -e -o E:\
This is an excellent program.