Resize PPT slides to JPEG? - RealWorld forums

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Resize PPT slides to JPEG?

Can PPT slides be resized in Picture Resizer?
on October 16th 2012

I want to reduce the size of PPT slides to 312 x 176 so I can add them to a Word document. Is this possible?

I have saved the PPT as JPEGs. However, I can't seem to get the Picture Resizer software. I gave a donation but it still won't download. Thanks for any help.

on October 17th 2012

If you have the slides saved as .jpg files, you can resize them with Picture Resizer.

But you first need to download the tool - when you click on the download link, make sure to save the file to your Desktop or to another suitable location. Do not run the tool directly.

Then drag and drop the images on the icon of Picture Resizer with your mouse and they will be resized. More info on the tool's home page.

(Thanks for donating, though it does not influence the tool in any way.)

on October 17th 2012

Thank you. I think I have it now!

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