Who Wants A Roll Of Yellow Wrapping Paper? - RealWorld forums

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Who Wants A Roll Of Yellow Wrapping Paper?

Trade for Gray
on April 11th 2013

Who wants a roll of yellow wrapping paper?

item/wrapping-roll-2.png image item/wrapping-paper-2.png image
I have two and I am willing to trade one yellow wrapping paper roll for a roll of the gray wrapping paper! item/wrapping-roll-1.png image item/wrapping-paper-1.png image
Send me a Private Message with the gray wrapping paper and I will send your new roll of yellow wrapping paper in mere hours if not sooner!

on April 13th 2013

deadly bro has just traded a can of purple spray paint for 8 buttons!
Thanks deadly!

item/spray-paint/purple.png image = item/button-bag.png image

Read more here: Hey You Guys!!
And here: Buttons for Paint!

icon-image/136-24x24x32.png image I am still looking to buy another purple spray paint for 8 buttons!
... and a green for 6 buttons, and a coral for 10 buttons,
and a navy for 12 buttons, and a pink for 15 buttons!

on January 19th 2014

Send me a message if you are looking to sell paint in any of my requested colors.

My paint stock changes from time to time and I may be overstocked on some colors or completely out of stock on others.

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