Infected File - RealWorld forums

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Infected File

on April 28th 2014

Found cursor in junkyard as an animated busy cursor please note the following. (is a virus)

Infected Object: FFF9.TMP
Infection Name: ANI-1
Infection Type: Security Exploit

on April 28th 2014

The file is fine. If you want to make the world a better place, report this false positive to your anti-virus vendor (or just get a better anti-virus program).

on April 28th 2014

I have been downloading files from this website since 2006 and never had a problem with any of the files.

Vlasta is the administrator and I believe he would not allow malignant files to exist on or be associated with this website.

I recommend Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.

icon-image/8339-32x32x32.png image

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