Installing RW icon editor - RealWorld forums

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Installing RW icon editor

Detected malware?
on May 4th 2006


When I attempt to install the RW icon editor I get a message from Norton AV indicating that a malicious script has been detected and I should stop. Any advice?

on May 4th 2006

(I assume, you have downloaded the software directly from our site. I cannot guarantee anything if you obtained the installer from an unsecured source.)

The installer actually runs one VB-script, but it is not malicious ;-). This script sets attributes of the folder with example icons and 3D models. Without this modification, Windows Explorer does not display custom icons on folders.

Anyway, I would recommend you to ask Norton about this. It is after all their software that reports the problem. If you supply me with more information, for example a screenshot displaying the installer and the warning and exact name and version of the Norton product you are using, I will gladly deal with Norton, because I found it quite offensive from them to mark our software with these words.

on May 4th 2006


Sorry yes I should have mentioned that I did download the installer from this site. The warning describes the activity as "GetFolder" so I'm sure this is the script you're describing. I've sent a copy of the screenshot to My Norton version is

I'll attempt the install again and allow the script to run now that I know that it is legitimate.

Thank you.

on May 8th 2006

I got the same message from Norton. Suggest that customising the folder is not necessary - its just causing problems for you and your potenntial customers


on May 8th 2006

I see your point. Of course, a customized folder is just a nice to have feature. Still, it would take at least one day to modify/build/re-test/upload/re-test again all the installers. I am somewhat reluctant to do this just because of Norton. It is an installer after all - it is supposed to access files and folders on your computer.

on May 9th 2006

Its you choice of course, but I doubt that its just a problem with Norton - I would expect any AV sofware to flag an app that attempts to run a script as the AV sofware has no way of knowing what the script does.
My first reaction was to just dump the demo and not bother any further - I glad I didn't because it looks to be a very useful.


on May 9th 2006

Yeah, I know, people trust their AV, but they do not trust something they just downloaded from the net. The script will be dropped in the next release...

Still, I do not like the way Notron AV is dealing with the problem. It is normal behavior when a script run by an installer accesses file system, while a script embedded in office documents, emails and such should not. Even if Norton AV is unable to tell one from the other, they should not pop up messages like "Malicious script detected". Instead something like "Script is attempting to access files on your computer" would be more appropriate. I know nothing about law, but I think if someone sued Norton for this, they would be in trouble.

on April 19th 2007

No offense, but can't you just save an image as .cur or .ico in Paint or any other image editing/drawing program instead of getting a cursor editor?

on April 19th 2007

P.S. I still always like to use your cursor editor anyway. Oh yeah, and since paint isn't made for cursors, you can't set hot spot or all the other nice features of your editor.

on April 19th 2007

Paint does not support .ico and .cur formats.

on April 19th 2007

Yes, but you can save it with that extension. For example, if you save your cursor as *whatever*.ico, Windows would recognize it as so.

on April 19th 2007

Changing file extensions is not a good idea. You can of course rename anyting to .exe, but that does not make it a valid executable file. While .ico and .cur are similar, there are also differences - there is a hot spot in cursor and there are usually multiple images in an icon.

on September 29th 2007

hey so is this safe?

Mr. Zidgel
on October 1st 2007

I don't know.

on October 1st 2007

It is safe, but it would not do any good.

on October 3rd 2008

I got the same exact message from Norton. No need to worry, this program is safe. Norton can be very...err...picky. It can false detect somethings once in a while.

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