Paste an image reset tools - RealWorld forums

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Paste an image reset tools

on July 31st 2017

Hello :-)

I don't know if it's a bug or if there is an hidden option somewhere :lol:
Each time I paste something in my RWPaint project, all my tools reset to the first one... I always use Pencil or Pencil eraser after I paste an image, but RWPaint auto-select Brush each time I paste something... If someone can help me to prevent this happening, it would be awesome!! :-D

Thanks ;-)

on November 17th 2017

Same problem here.

on November 20th 2017

When you paste something, it becomes a "floating selection" and that is what the Transform tool handles. This allows you to move, resize and rotate it.

on January 19th 2018

Yes you understand the Transform tool, but so, why day the pen, geometric forms, and some others are also reseted??? That's so sad, this program was so close to be perfect.. xD

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