Profile Icon - RealWorld forums

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Profile Icon

Profile Icons
on November 1st 2017

I have followed the specs as designated to get my profile approved for a icon, using my own picture as per the rules and still no one can see my icon except for me. I tried asking about this via the contact us link and no one responds. I also see that some members on here do have approved profile icons. Can anyone help me?

on November 1st 2017

How long has it been since you uploaded your image?

User icons are images that can be uploaded from your profile page and they must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Profile icons must be in PNG format with transparent background.
  • Size of the uploaded picture must be exactly 150x200 pixels.
  • The uploaded picture must be an illustration of yourself, a traced photo. The head must occupy at least 50% of the space. Please fill as much of the available space as possible, do not leave any empty space above your head.
  • User icon must be approved by administrators before it is displayed to other users.

on November 1st 2017

oh a traced photo didn't realize it had to be traced

on November 2nd 2017

okay I will try this

on November 2nd 2017

Sirea has a video tutorial that may be helpful.

on November 2nd 2017

Been trying for hours and I have carpal tunnel syndrome in both my hands and I can't even figure out the shape tool in real world paint only thing I've managed to do is permanently alter an image I didn't want altered so that sucks. Is there anyone willing to create an icon for me to use in my profle if I email them the picture?

on November 4th 2017

Send it to me and I will take a look.
Maybe I can help.

on November 4th 2017

ok I sent it to you, I can also email you at your outside email if you'd prefer

thank you

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