Disappearing icons?? - RealWorld forums

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Disappearing icons??

on April 29th 2007

I have just recently downloaded Realworld grapics icons,and have been creating icons to my desktop.I have been scanning some of my own pictures and some from the internet and adapting them to icons with Realworld,but the icons have all disappeared when I downloaded MSN and some other software.Please can anyone tell me what could be the problem or what I have done wrong.This is on a windows Visa system.I am very new to I.T if any one has any answers ,can they be in layman terms,
Thanks very much
The Realworld Icon maker is a great utlity.

on April 29th 2007

It is hard to tell what might have happened. Where were the icons before they disappeared. Could you accidentally deleted them yourself?

on April 29th 2007

Hello Vlasta
Thanks for your quick reply,They were definetly not deleted accidently.
1.We downloaded the image from the Scanner or internet.
2.Then used RealWorld icon editor and clicked new.
3.Clicked on Icon from Image
4.Clicked on image in create icon from Image box.
5.Then used Windows Visa Application icon then clicked finish.
6 used 256 x 256 smooth edge then saved and closed.
7. Right clicked on icon,pressed change icon,then browsed to desk top.found icon,then pressed o.k. Icon changed perfectly.
Then we downloaded some software and all the icons(approx 20) disappeared all at once.
Many Thanks

on April 29th 2007

All that you have done looks OK. I am sorry I have no idea why the icons got away. Maybe - if the icons were on desktop - are you still logged in as the same user?

on May 6th 2007

Hello. I'm having a problem similar to Barry1's, i.e., my icons disappear. However, it happens to me on each reboot. I've tried just about every trick in the book and would appreciate any insights. To cover the basics briefly, I've not changed accounts (I'm the administrator), I've not changed the path to the icons, I've not changed any of the attributes of the targets for the icons, and of course I've done nothing illegal, immoral or fattening. But I'm flummoxed by this! Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

on July 4th 2007

my windows program went thru an update and now all my icons that I had in my taskbar look like the enternet icon instead of the sites icon. I have even tried to creat new short cuts and they still look like the e logo. How can I fix this?

on July 4th 2007

Did you mean your IE favorites pane? (The taskbar is the stripe with "Start" button on it.) Anyway you could try to remove the shortcuts, empty you internet cache, and then add them again.

on May 13th 2008

heya, i dont know what happened. everytime i start up the computer i see all my stuff (icons and taskbar) and then they just dissapear, i mean its not hard to get to my programs, i just go through Task Manager. but its starting to worry me. Any comments guys and girls? thanks in advance.

on May 14th 2008

That looks like you may have a virus on your computer. Or maybe some application messed up your system. Try system restore or reinstalling Windows.

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