Your favorite OS (operative system) - RealWorld forums

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Your favorite OS (operative system)

This is where you can say your favorite OS and what you like about it!
on November 24th 2018

My favorite OS is XP. I like it because of the easy-to-use inrerface and variety of software.

on April 8th 2019

i like windows 7. it is good and all the drivers are in built. very light weight.

Question Mark
on May 8th 2019

i like windows 7 since it's easier to have a bigger hard drive (like mine, which is 1 tb).

on September 19th 2019

I love windows 7 because it's easier to use and Windows 7 have games, songs and programs.

on September 22nd 2019

Windows 7/Vista. They are both good because hey have good games!

on November 10th 2019

Windows XP and 7 are my favorites. Windows XP runs old games very well, and Windows 7 runs new games very well.

on November 23rd 2019

Windows 7
Because it's very comfortable and I like the easy-to-use interface, it's perfomance is very well, and it haves more space on the C: disk.

on January 15th 2020

R.I.P Windows 7. 2009-2020.

Thanks for the Memories, Windows 7. :-)

on September 15th 2020

windows xp BEST os change my mind...

on September 15th 2020

Well, Windows XP and Windows 7 are one of the best OSes. But I think Windows 7 will be the greatest. I wish Windows 7 bundled Windows Movie Maker. :-(

But anyways I have a VM of Windows XP that haves Windows Movie Maker. :-)

on September 18th 2020

Ewwwwwww Vista, vista is garbage

on September 18th 2020

Without Vista you wouldn't have Windows 7, eeveelover64.

2 replies were left out.

on January 28th 2021

1. Windows 7.

2. Ubuntu 18.4.

3. Kali linux.

4. MSDos 6.

5. Windows XP.

on February 1st 2021

1.Windows 7
2. Windows 10

on February 1st 2021

But why Windows10??? It is slow and shit.

on February 5th 2021

Windows 10 is good, except OEMs and Microsoft ships the copies with a ton of bloat.

on March 4th 2021

It depends if you have a good computer. If you have a dell laptop which originally runs Win 7 and you put Win 10 on it, then of course it will be slow. I feel that it is a bit more user friendly than other versions, and has a less complicated design than other Os's. And no, it isn't my number one. I grew up with Windows 7, and loved it. I use windows 10 a lot because it is a bit more modern, and has a simpler look.

on March 10th 2021

windows 10 dbest

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on September 5th 2022

No isnt windows 10 is Junk (Dont leave 7)

Btw these are my favorites:
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista sp2
Windows XP

Reply to vlasteron who wrote:

Well, Windows XP and Windows 7 are one of the best OSes. But I think Windows 7 will be the greatest. I wish Windows 7 bundled Windows Movie Maker. :-( But anyways I have a VM of Windows XP that haves Windows Movie Maker. :-)

Actually you can, simply install windows live essentials

on December 27th 2023

Too late but here's my list:

1. Ubuntu (Cool games & software, easy to install/use, runs good in old hardware and many customization)

2. Windows 7 (Best Windows OS ever, aero, no spying, no bloatware and runs well in old hardware)

3. Windows XP (Second best Windows OS, similar to 7 but with Luna, old taskbar and my favorite desktop background of it is Bliss)

4. Android (Same reasons as Ubuntu)

5. Windows Vista (It was excellent if you had a decent 2007 PC, SP1 or SP2, reduce aero transparency and is quite like 7)

Currently i'm using Ubuntu 22.04 Lts on my pc, but writing this on Android

on December 27th 2023

Try tiny11. It's Windows 11 shrunk to its bare minimum, removing bloatware, and all, while keeping almost the same look of Windows 11. tiny11 is made for use—and runs great—on old hardware, but it runs just as good if installed on a new computer:

Windows 11 alone has beefier specs and requires modern hardware, but tiny11 allows you to install on computers with a measly 2GB RAM and old CPUs!

Here's tiny10 for those Windows 11 haters:

tiny11 for ARM64 devices in the 2000s:

Cursor Mania
on January 11th 2024

I like windows 10 home premium because it has a lot of options and apps is so complete, When I purchased my laptop with that os it comes with a 10 year activated microsoft office, is so cool.

on January 11th 2024

Nah Ubuntu is better because atleast you can change appearance without the need of 3rd party tools, and LibreOffice is better than MS Office, in fact, all Linux applications are FREE

So you don't even have to pay a single coin for getting an applications, and for running windows applications you can install a Windows Vm, or if you have advanced knowledge about Linux, install Wine

on February 4th 2024

Im glad im not the only one who misses windows 7 :-(

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