does anyone have a game or website? - RealWorld forums

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does anyone have a game or website?

Henry vntv
on October 12th 2023

i have to web and a few games

on October 12th 2023


on October 18th 2023

Yes, is called Marble Adventures, but is still on development

But I don't have a website yet.

I have neither a web-site nor a game of my making,
but for what it's worth, I'd indeed love to make
the earlier, but not via Wordpress, Wix, &/or similar...
instead, I wish to get it done via the humble Notepad program,
& make it much in the vein of latter half 90s/early 2000s personal sites.

Back then, social networks either weren't a thing, or
they were in their earliest days & had yet to get any traction.
Various platforms including most notoriously Geocities,
provided a free site for everyone as long as
it adhered to a certain size limit.

Problem is - without content,
there's little else for a given visitor
to experience, & they'll leave as quickly as they came.

I wanted to deliver content in the form of
graphic assets of my own making, but
my near-nil know-how doesn't allow me
anything other than the flat stuff.

I'm seeking for learning experiences,
but the minimalist trends conbined w/
the sector's over-reliance on
the costly, spying & ai-foraging Adobe trash
make my search incredibly difficult.

on September 6th 2024

This thread is dead :skull:

on September 7th 2024

But damn, you're right because AI is fucking trash

on September 8th 2024

Currently in the works for probably way too long, but I archive cartoons, media and games. Also have my own linktree on the top of the page for all my socials and art. :-)


...wha... what does Minecraft have to do with this...?

on September 20th 2024

minecraft is a game stupid ass

Okay fellow anon, here's what's what,
the topic at hand inquires :

"does anyone have a game or website?"
The question concerns
games &/or websites made by
the replying users ...

you couldn't catch on that, & thus
you're in no condition to cast
such a judgement, rather,
you ought mind your own darn brain .

Gosh, are my fellow anons alright?

(Extra parentheses : I sincerely doubt
a professional developer whom
worked on a title so notorious
just walzes in this niche site,
& in such an unceremonious manner no less ;Þ)

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