i have to web and a few games
Yes, is called Marble Adventures, but is still on development
But I don't have a website yet.
I have neither a web-site nor a game of my making,
but for what it's worth, I'd indeed love to make
the earlier, but not via Wordpress, Wix, &/or similar...
instead, I wish to get it done via the humble Notepad program,
& make it much in the vein of latter half 90s/early 2000s personal sites.
Back then, social networks either weren't a thing, or
they were in their earliest days & had yet to get any traction.
Various platforms including most notoriously Geocities,
provided a free site for everyone as long as
it adhered to a certain size limit.
Problem is - without content,
there's little else for a given visitor
to experience, & they'll leave as quickly as they came.
I wanted to deliver content in the form of
graphic assets of my own making, but
my near-nil know-how doesn't allow me
anything other than the flat stuff.
I'm seeking for learning experiences,
but the minimalist trends conbined w/
the sector's over-reliance on
the costly, spying & ai-foraging Adobe trash
make my search incredibly difficult.
This thread is dead :skull:
But damn, you're right because AI is fucking trash
Currently in the works for probably way too long, but I archive cartoons, media and games. Also have my own linktree on the top of the page for all my socials and art.
...wha... what does Minecraft have to do with this...?
minecraft is a game stupid ass
Okay fellow anon, here's what's what,
the topic at hand inquires :
"does anyone have a game or website?"
The question concerns
games &/or websites made by
the replying users ...
you couldn't catch on that, & thus
you're in no condition to cast
such a judgement, rather,
you ought mind your own darn brain .
Gosh, are my fellow anons alright?
(Extra parentheses : I sincerely doubt
a professional developer whom
worked on a title so notorious
just walzes in this niche site,
& in such an unceremonious manner no less ;Þ)
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