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Questions and Concerns

Mr. Zidgel
on November 8th 2007

Hey, Vlasta,

I saw this offer about the free icon editor for only if you do 40 high quality icons and submiting them to this site's library and i'm thinking about participating this offer. One problem that i have right now, my license ends in just 2 days from now and i am trying to aim for 40 in my "cool 3d things" icon set. I don't think i can make 40 icons in 2 days, can you tell me how to reset the evaluation?
This is no offense but i do not think that you can reset the evaluation, i think you have to wait for it to expire then download a new setup file and replace the existing file or there is absolutly no way to reset it. I'm just a little concern because i want the free home license. Now i know this offer is only for a limited time so i want to hurry up to get 40 ico's before it expires.

on November 8th 2007

...sent you an email...

Mr. Zidgel
on November 12th 2007

Vlasta, go check out my icon set, their were some pretty awful offensive language their. go see the comments. see url:

on November 12th 2007

I have deleted it... Everyone can comment and there are risks.

on November 13th 2007

Vlasta, member' that time where u sent me the free home license throgh email? Well i used system restore because my computer had an issue, after i restored it, the issue went away, but then i have to install rw icon editor because i restored it to the 'Installed RW ICON EDITOR' restore point (that was the closest to the current day good restore point i had). After i re-installed it, it asked me for the serial number, so then i typed in the information, but then i had to look at the message that contained the serial #. The reason y i said this is because i can't find the message, i looked every where, but i could not seem to find it, could u send me another 1.

on November 13th 2007

never mind, i found it, it was on my reply address.

on November 13th 2007


Mr. Zidgel
on December 13th 2007

vlasta, i have been noticing 1 emoticon in every post. if i try a different one other than the wink ( ;-) ), it doesn't work. maybe u can make more emoticons. :-)

on December 13th 2007

I will, but it'll take some time ;-)

on December 21st 2007

i wonder if this will work...

;-) :-) :-( >:(

on December 21st 2007

guess not

on December 21st 2007

seems like most people that join this site likes runescape

3 replies were left out.

Mr. Zidgel
on December 24th 2007


on January 3rd 2008

how do i make 3d cursors?

Mr. Zidgel
on January 30th 2008

2 things. 1. I can't publish my icons because it gave me an error saying it can't because of an error :-( ;2. How do i make a 3d cursor? |-)

Mr. Zidgel
on January 30th 2008

Wait... Never mind the problem. :-)

Mr. Zidgel
on January 30th 2008

Never mind again, it's back. It says it fails to publish it. >:( :-(

on January 30th 2008

1. it could be a temporary network or server problem, le me know if it repeats.
2. you need the cursor editor with 3d module installed. Still, the cursors are not really 3d, you just use 3d models to get nicer images.

Mr. Zidgel
on January 31st 2008

well could you give me the link to the 3d module?

Mr. Zidgel
on January 31st 2008

never mind, i used my registered icon editor's 3d module and intergraded with the cursor editor. it should still work. now both programs have the 3d modules in it.

Mr. Zidgel
on January 31st 2008

Ok, the 3d module seems to be recognized on the create new page, but everytime I use the module, the program closes out. need help.

Mr. Zidgel
on January 31st 2008

I saw this and i'm not sure what it meant. "A professional or corporate license for RealWorld Icon Editor 2006.1 or 2006.2 is considered valid for the 3D module in RealWorld Cursor Editor 2007.1"
does it mean the module in icon editor is compatible for cursor editor? and do i need a seperate license for the 3d module? 'cause i used my icon editor's license to see if it works or not. Oh and do i have the pro license or the corporate license for the icon editor? My icon editor's version is 2006.2 [just a little more specific for the pro or corporate license question]

on January 31st 2008

Uninstall the cursor editor, run the installer again and during installation watch out for a checkbox for the 3D module. Check your email for serial.

In case of problems, reset the configuration.

on June 3rd 2008

Hey guys! need some help..
how do i make my cursor when pushin leave red point or X or somethin?
please help!

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