Your Top 5 Music Genres.. GO!!! - RealWorld forums

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Your Top 5 Music Genres.. GO!!!

U can make more than 5 if you'd like. or just talk about ur favorite music and songs.
on October 28th 2024

1. Lo-fi
2. Breakcore
3. Phonk
4. Instrumental hip-hop
5. Game music (Specifically Sonic music)

Anime soundtracks

on October 29th 2024


If you guys like Japanese pop rock kind of music I recommend ADO shes amazing First song i recommend is RuLe

on January 22nd

fuck music, i like listening to forks scraping against a plate

on January 23rd

Good for you, anonymous. |-)

✟ wecks ✟
on January 24th

i like brokeNCYDE

✟ wecks ✟
on January 24th

its just really cool how they can mix so many genres and still sound like something thats both fun and light hearted, i think what i like most about brokencyde is how they know how to have a good time while keeping a really tight beat remanicent of something youd hear at a two thousands mall or a skating ring, something kind of cool but also with a background in something more passoniate when it comes to emotion (if u didnt know brokencyde actually has a song called "the broken!" and the second half of it is sort of this hidden track with almost a post rock electronica metal sound, and it even has roots in emotional hardcore).
a lot of people will look at it and call it something like "satanic" but as someone who truley has found god (and more then that) i actually dont think its satanic, i mean just some people think metal is satanic i mean the first metal bands lead guitarist Dave mustane is literally christian, and i think black sabbath is actually a christian band, even some punk is christian, i mean if u think about it jesus christ is actually like... the most punk? i mean he actually went against the mainstream and thats what punk is! its going against whatevers seen as "popularity contest", and the true ethos of punk is really held in many things like i think that wheatus actually gets kind of punk with there song christmas dirtbag, because its like a parody but of there own song! like thats actually crazy, its pushing the boundaries more then any mainstream punk band like the sex pistols or even the real underground like earth crisis could ever do (tho i do like both of those bands).

✟ wecks ✟
on January 24th

yeah but its just a good band u should check them out, i also listen to other stuff like ivoryline, and the red jumpsuit apparatus and creed too to be honest

Mr. X
on January 27th

JOst's (Specifically ff15)

on January 27th

Does j stand for Japanese?

on January 28th

video game music and only video game music

on January 28th

^^ Yes, J stands for Japanese.

on January 28th

Delfino Plaza from Super Mario Sunshine and Coconut Mall from Mario Kart>>>>

✟ wecks ✟
on February 1st

Убийцы - селебы pretty good song

✟ wecks ✟
on February 26th u guys gotta check this out

McPetey McNustard
on March 1st

2.Math Rock
3.90's Hip Hop
4.Grunge Rock

My Favorite Song at the Moment is "Glide", by the band "Pleasure". [Funk]

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