confession 1 TW dead animal, gore and blood: months ago I was walking to my bus stop and saw a dead rabbit on the road, as a kind person I wanted to get the rabbit off the road so I got a bag that was also on the road, me and 2 other people got the rabbit in the bag (I was the one that was holding the bag), some of the rabbit's organs spilled out but we were able to get it in the bag, as a person that never delt with a animal corpse before I didn't know where to put it, my dumbass looked at the dead rabbit and I saw it's insides and I got freaked out so I accidentally threw the poor thing in a bush on someone's yard, I tried to get it out but my bus was already here after school I still tried to get it out the bush but flies were attacking me so I left it alone (to this day the rabbit is still in the bush rotting away), "I feel so bad for doing that"
I heard screaching in my backyard and there was a dead oppusom so i cleaned it up and i still heard screaching and there where opassum babies so i got my mom and we called animal control and the person asked where the mom was so i grab it out of the dumpster and held it up in her face XDD i was holding one of the babie to long and it bit my finger. I named it chompy pocaso...
oml lmao
Yall never knew fear until you stole your older brothers car keys cause thats what i just did >^<
i am shaking man..
Why is it such a big deal? lol
yea, and why'd u do it?
My brother owns a gun and hes mean to me the reason why I did it was because it was in the microwave..
once a chicken pecked me in the armpit lol is that crazy
ngl if the chicken confessed that to me that would have been nutz
I once was riding a 4 wheeler. we were told to be carful so naturally i decided to drift going 40 mph. my life flashed before my eyes as i was thrown off and nearly crushed by the thing (No one saw). i got up, flipped it back over and wheeled it to the barn and limped into the house. i then sent the next 30 minutes trying to hide the many bloody wounds covering my left leg and both arms and came up with a story. (I tripped XD) The day after i did that it wouldn't start up and they still don't know why. To this day no one knew i did that
Oh, i do got another one. There was this one time i was messing around with my knife in my room. things like opening and closing the blade ya know. before you know it I'm digging the blade into my arm and basically just cutting up my arm. this was like 3 days after all my friends left me and started mocking and laughing at me and some other bad stuff happened. but then i was holding the blade up the where my heart is fully about to... ya know. when all the sudden i realize what I'm doing. i have never been more scared in my life then the time i tried to kill myself. the scary part is i still cut my arm and if something were to happen, i don't know what i might do like try it again ..
sry, that was a dark one
I hope your okay, if you need anyone to talk to am here, if you don't feel comfortable talking about that topic thats okay.
@♩⊹⋆⚢☣Sotaru☣⚢⋆⊹♩ Thank you for your offer but i am just not well mentally. there isn't much to talk about it. im really sorry and i hope you have a good day
I feel your pain, I take pills for depression too and theres nothing to say sorry about.
hey I haven't really been active but if you can we can talk
Sry, it posted 2 times
Once when i was younger my i was staying with my dad and he was asleep on the couch, i was left upstairs with a ipad that had a phone number, i started calling random numbers the i accidentally called an emergency hotline and said my dads not waking up, I then went down stairs and pulled his hair to wake him up, then the cops came in and searched. i now was talking to him about this and he said he was pissed at the time because he was smoking m3th and couldve gotten aressted. hes now 2 years clean tho.
Good for him! BTW sorry that you had to go through that. IDEA!! Find the crazyist reddit storys, copy them, and share them on here!!
ngl that's a good idea lol
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