Errors in the Cursor Editor - RealWorld forums

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Errors in the Cursor Editor

on December 15th 2007

As long as you are creating a cursors with the pen only, the real world cursor editor is pretty much a great tool.. But, if you try creating cursors using lines for example the programm really starts to do nasty things.
For example, if you draw a line and then press ESC to cancel it, the entire programm crashes and all your work is gone..
Alright, one could say.." if you know about it, why do it..? " ;-) But still, it would be nice to remove that bug..
It by the way also every once in a while comes up when you use the undo/redo function.

on December 15th 2007

Thanks for the bug report. Though I am having trouble reproducing the bug. When I draw a line and then press ESC, there is no crash, the line simply disappearsas it should on my computer. Could you describe the conditions under which the bug occurred in more details? Are you using any software that might interfere with the application?

on December 18th 2007

This is what I do to produce the exception:
File/new -> New Static Cursor -> Default Size, 32 bits.
Then hit "Line" and start dragging with the mousebutton down.
And when i press ESC now, (still holding the left mbutton) the program crashes.

If you use external DLLs this might be a problem, that only occurs on my computer.

And as far as I know, there is no software interfering with your tool. But who really knows about that for sure? :-)

on December 18th 2007

Thanks for extended description. When ESC is pressed while still dragging the line, it indeed crashes. I'll make sure it is fixed in the next version (since pressing ESC before releasing the button is not that common).

on December 18th 2007

You are propably right. Since nobody really has noticed or reported the error until now, it should be such a great deal.
But it almost drove me crazy, since i had to start over and over again ;-)

For now i'll just try not to press ESC before the line was created :-)

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