cannot run batch graphics resizer??? - RealWorld forums

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cannot run batch graphics resizer???

on August 14th 2006

I just downloaded the graphics resizer from your site, it seems to be an excellent program. But i cannot start it, when i doubleclick on the icon or try to drop pics on it i get the error message "photoresizer 400 is not a valid win32 program" I have a new computer with windows xp. Do i need to change any settings?

on August 14th 2006

I have checked the files on our web and they seem to be OK. Please verify, that you have downloaded the correct version of the tool. If you got the 64-bit edition and you are not using 64-bit Windows (it does not matter if you have a 64-bit processor), the tool will not work.

on August 14th 2006

This was very odd. From the "click colour" of the links it was obvious that the program for windows xp was the one i downloaded yesterday. However, i downloaded it again today and it now works perfectly. Strange. But I am very happy with this great utility, it saves me lots of hassle. Good work, guys.

on August 14th 2006

I am glad the problem disappeared. Maybe the file was damaged during transfer. The internet still has its flaws.

on April 13th 2007

I was so happy to find a batch resizer for free, as I needed it to creat a slide show for a class. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. When I double click on the icon, a box pops up, then disappears. HELP! Pat

on April 14th 2007

Since you are the second person reporting this error, I have checked it and it indeed failed on certain computers. Download the tool again and all should be fine.

on April 14th 2007

How can I download the resized photos to a separate folder, rather than the original, for dragging and dropping into a slide show program? Thanks for fixing the tool. It's great!!

on April 15th 2007

You have already asked this question in the comment section -> look there.

on April 15th 2007

OK, I'm a dope. How do I get back to the "Comment" section?

on April 15th 2007
on April 15th 2007

Found the Comment section. Thanks so much.

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