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Great software

on February 3rd 2008

I have just started learning to use this stuff, I'm finding the software interesting to say the least.

on February 3rd 2008

Please do not hesitate to ask if anything is not properly explained in the tutorials.

on February 3rd 2008

I'm using the software to create objects in Proteus VSM and ARES. I'm finding it very hard to export objects into Proteus. Simulation is out of the question at this stage. I would really like to hear from you about the development of an open learning class in which developers, like myself can comment and discuss topics. I couldn't see an area in the forum to ask the forum about it.

I love your work so far, keep it up :-D



on February 3rd 2008

Using the software to make 3D objects for Proteus was idea of Remy Mallard and he has prepared instructions how to export the objects ( as well as a very detailed tutorial. Right now it is necessary to install a patch to make the export possible. That patch will be integrated in the next version.

If you have any suggestions what should be changed to make the application better for your needs, please post them here. This is also the right place to ask general question on how to work with the application. If you need to know more about how to use the created objects in Proteus software, it might be better to ask on their site or send an email to Remy.

on February 4th 2008

Thanks, I tried the patch, but I think that it was designed for Mac's. I will try to contact Remy to ask for help with his application patch. Thanks again for trying.

on February 4th 2008

The exporting instructions are also here, but not the tutorial.

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