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Showing items 1001-1050 of 3283 items matching 'windows 11 cursors'.

Windows 10 Black-Yellow Edit TeaserWindows 10 Black-Yellow Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania9The new yellow charge icons combined with a black cursor.
Windows 7 Gray-Light Blue Edit TeaserWindows 7 Gray-Light Blue Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania7The new edited version in light blue from the original one.
Windows 7 Gray-Dark Purple Edit TeaserWindows 7 Gray-Dark Purple Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania8A new color for this cursors, this time in dark purple.
Windows 7 Gray-Blue Edit TeaserWindows 7 Gray-Blue Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania8The new blue color for this type of cursors combined with gray.
Windows 7 Infernal Light Teal Edit TeaserWindows 7 Infernal Light Teal Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania33The new recolored light teal version is now avalable!!
Aero Red Shadow TeaserAero Red Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania56A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in red, also contains shadow.
Aero Yellow Shadow TeaserAero Yellow Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania36A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in yellow, also contains sh...
Aero Purple Shadow TeaserAero Purple Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania119A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in purple, also contains sh...
Aero Green Shadow TeaserAero Green Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania55A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in green, also contains sha...
Aero Gray Shadow TeaserAero Gray Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania129A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in gray, also contains shadow.
Flat Wedges TeaserFlat Wedges Cursors
by Haunty1820Similar to Aero Wedges but completely flat, to match the flat Windows...
Caution ⚪ TeaserCaution ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx292A fun, legacy CursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Windows 7 Evo OS Garnet Edit TeaserWindows 7 Evo OS Garnet Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania27The garnet edit for this cursor collection.
Sopa Computer TeaserSopa Computer Cursors
by rickandress168for a sopa computer cursor set for works in windows.
Windows 7 Black Infernal Yellow-Green Edit TeaserWindows 7 Black Infernal Yellow-Green Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania17A new edit in yellow-green used like base an Aero Gold Shadow also av...
Genshin Impact TeaserGenshin Impact Cursors
by HellendenGamer149an almost full set of windows cursors themed around Genshin Impact, m...
Windows 7 Black Infernal Orange-Yellow Edit TeaserWindows 7 Black Infernal Orange-Yellow Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania10A new edit in orange-yellow used like base an Aero Gold Shadow also a...
Windows 7 Black Infernal Light Orange Edit TeaserWindows 7 Black Infernal Light Orange Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania11A new edit in light orange used like base an Aero Gold Shadow also av...
Windows 7 Black Infernal Light Yellow Edit TeaserWindows 7 Black Infernal Light Yellow Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania10A new edit in light yellow used like base an Aero Gold Shadow also av...
Windows 7 Evo OS Full Dark Pink Edit TeaserWindows 7 Evo OS Full Dark Pink Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania29The windoows 7 evo dark pink colored of this collection available in ...
Middle Finger Link Select TeaserMiddle Finger Link Select Cursors
by Thomas Seeds2115Middle finger cursors in all three Windows styles (9X/2000/XP, Aero 7...
Windows 7 Super Red TeaserWindows 7 Super Red Cursors
by Cursor Mania24The super red version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Super Turquoise TeaserWindows 7 Super Turquoise Cursors
by Cursor Mania17The super turquoise version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Purple Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Purple Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania10The purple bezel cursors from the original one.
Windows 7 Super Purple TeaserWindows 7 Super Purple Cursors
by Cursor Mania14The super purple version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Super Brown TeaserWindows 7 Super Brown Cursors
by Cursor Mania10The super brown version of the original one!!
Black & Blue TeaserBlack & Blue Cursors
by Shiminok2123Black and blue cursors for windows, enjoy!
Windows 7 Yellow Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Yellow Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania8The yellow bezel edition from the original one.
Windows 7 Super Yellow TeaserWindows 7 Super Yellow Cursors
by Cursor Mania8The super yellow version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Super Pink TeaserWindows 7 Super Pink Cursors
by Cursor Mania9The super pink version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Super Orange TeaserWindows 7 Super Orange Cursors
by Cursor Mania10The super orange version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Red-Purple TeaserWindows 7 Red-Purple Cursors
by Cursor Mania93The red-purple version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Super Garnet TeaserWindows 7 Super Garnet Cursors
by Cursor Mania10The super garnet version of the original one!!
Windows 7 Red Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Red Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania6The red bezel mode for this collection.
Windows 10 Black-Orange Edit TeaserWindows 10 Black-Orange Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania12The orange edit of this cursors.
Windows 7 Orange Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Orange Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania6The bezel orange cursor from the original one.
Windows 7 Blue Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Blue Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania17The bezel edition from the normal blue one.
Windows 7 Pink Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Pink Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania7The pink bezel edition from the original one.
Windows 10 Black-Normal Blue Edit TeaserWindows 10 Black-Normal Blue Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania19The normal blue color for the charge icons with a black cursor.
Windows 10 Black-Dark Blue Edit TeaserWindows 10 Black-Dark Blue Edit Cursors
by Cursor Mania19The dark blue edit of this collection with colored charge icons.
Zyzzyzus TeaserZyzzyzus Cursors
by RIDDLER29This is a coral cursor set based on the Zyzzyzus genus. Zyzzyzus is s...
super ultra small Teasersuper ultra small Cursors
by M9ICH4286I suddenly wanted to create cursors for people who love super small c...
ErrorEnemies TeaserErrorEnemies Cursors
by ManMadeIcons127These cursors were designed to look like fun errors that stand-out on...
Aero Dark Blue Shadow TeaserAero Dark Blue Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania87A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in dark blue, also contains...
Aero Light Green Shadow TeaserAero Light Green Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania53A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in light green, also contai...
Aero Light Blue Shadow TeaserAero Light Blue Shadow Cursors
by Cursor Mania76A modified cursor of windows 7, this time in light blue, also contain...
Black Pointers Without Line TeaserBlack Pointers Without Line Cursors
by ElCapitanYT450this is a Complete Pack from the Classic Pointers of Windows XP, but ...
Fire Starter ⚪ TeaserFire Starter ⚪ Cursors
by AJaxx695A fun, Legacy cursorFX set from 2003 ported for windows. Both sizes [...
Windows 7 Green Bezel TeaserWindows 7 Green Bezel Cursors
by Cursor Mania12The green bezel cursor pack of the normal green one.
Vista & Win 7 icons
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