Ogre Tank2-G Icon Details

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Ogre Tank2-G.ico

Ogre Tank2-G.ico
  • Published on March 3rd 2013 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
  • Icon for Windows XP, Vista and 7.

Tank is a yellow skinned ogre with lime green shoes. Like others in his troop he wears silver and gold armor, wields a hefty sword, dons an animal skull and teeth around his neck, and has blood red eyes. Tank loves to mow the enemy down just like a tank! Tank is twice as fast and ten times stronger than the largest tank, they just don't stand a chance!

Images in the icon

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16x16 pixels, smooth edges

16x16 pixels, 256 colors

16x16 pixels, 16 colors

24x24 pixels, smooth edges

24x24 pixels, 256 colors

24x24 pixels, 16 colors

32x32 pixels, smooth edges

32x32 pixels, 256 colors

32x32 pixels, 16 colors

48x48 pixels, smooth edges

48x48 pixels, 256 colors

48x48 pixels, 16 colors

64x64 pixels, smooth edges

64x64 pixels, 256 colors

64x64 pixels, 16 colors

128x128 pixels, smooth edges

256x256 pixels, smooth edges


Member of

Battle Ogre 2 TeaserBattle Ogre 2 Icons
by 412Check out the other 40 Battle Ogres here: http://www.rw-designer.com...

See also