Icon Set - Canary

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Canary Icons

  • Published on December 26th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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Me and my dad, we really like birds, so I thought about making an icon set of all the existing color breeds of canary birds. This icon set contains 16 bird icons, each in their particular color and gradient. Birdwatching is a passion, especially if you manage to obtain all the colors and even manage to produce new colors in captivity. If you own canary birds, it is best to provide them with the biggest possible cage outside the house, in the countryside and plenty of sunlight and the best quality food to keep them health and extend their lifespan, which will in turn benefit on increasing their reproduction rates and keep the population species in existence. Enjoy those canary birds.

Tags: Animal □ Multicolored



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 26th 2024

Dazzling canary birds in 16 colors.

user icon Anonymous