wow awesome
Here is a set of high definition icons useful for gaming applications or folders. They have been enhanced beyond the images normally found on playing cards.
wow awesome
5 out of 5 stars.
just what i was looking for...
very nice
4 out of 5 stars.
Woah these are very cool. Nice job.
4 out of 5 stars.
Yup, they are quite nice Doc!
and look jojois74, he has all the suits!.. lol
5 out of 5 stars.
So, let's see nice looking icons, one of my favorite (card) games and detail you didn't have to add (but you did anyway so I respect you for that), and the fact that it's just so good makes me proud on how the community has grown over the years, there's just one little criticism I'll have to add, you don't have to particularly do this but I think this icon set will improve from it if you do: Please add mac OS compatibility every time I try it the size just goes down to a molecule, please fix if you can, like I said you don't have to do it, but I think this will help out the set if you do, keep up the great work!
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.