Icon Set - File as folders

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File as folders Icons

File as folders
  • Published on September 5th 2008 by .
  • Released under the Free Art (copyleft) license.
3.8 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

It was hard, create icons with true colors.

Tags: Folder


by Aston

See also

The Windows XP Colored Folders TeaserThe Windows XP Colored Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania102A windows xp colored folders icon set with 27 color variants includin...
The Windows 10 Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Windows 10 Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania79A windows 10 logo icon pack with 35 colors including the classic one....
The Windows XP Medium Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Windows XP Medium Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania16The colored windows xp logo with 17 medium colors created for a logo ...
The Windows XP Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Windows XP Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania86A windows xp icon set made for an folder icon. With 24 color variants...
The Windows 7 Classic Colored Folders TeaserThe Windows 7 Classic Colored Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania150This is my first icon set: A windows 7 colored folder pack with 30 co...
The Windows 11 Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Windows 11 Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania37A windows 11 icon set with 40 colors including the classic one. The s...
The Windows 11 Transparent Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Windows 11 Transparent Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania69A Windows 11 transparent logos wit 45 variations. The sizes are 48x48...
The Windows 9 Colored Logos Folders TeaserThe Windows 9 Colored Logos Folders Icons
by Cursor Mania65An exclusive pack of an os that existed and now not with 46 color var...

Recent reviews and comments

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user icon MEGADETHFAN3000 registered user on September 6th 2008

that was from me oops -_- as an excuse i give you a bunny

user icon Aston registered user on September 6th 2008

:-D Thanks ^^

user icon Anonymous on April 3rd 2009


user icon Anonymous on March 2nd 2010


user icon Anonymous on February 1st 2011

Thanks :-)

user icon Anonymous on June 20th 2011


user icon Anonymous on December 26th 2011

:-D Awesome!!!

user icon cdl contributing user on March 13th 2013

2 out of 5 stars.

I can see where others might be reluctant to rate.
What can one say about the same thing..
and then there was that other set that makes me wonder just whose work I am rating..

icon-image/8359-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on October 23rd 2013

lol 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous on June 10th 2014

guau is amazing , 8-) loooool you are the best

user icon Anonymous