Icon Set - Spiked

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Spiked Icons

  • Published on January 16th 2021 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

I have created an icon set of spiked plants. Each plant has all of its shoots in the same color. There are ten plants in total, each in a different color.

Tags: Plant □ Multicolored



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 16th 2021

Spiked plants.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 16th 2021

Its great that you added a plant set.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 16th 2021

Plants are nice to have on this website. What's most fascinating is that all the shoots on all those plants is that they are in the same color.

user icon Anonymous