didnt work...
Just some icons. Enjoy. Credits go to all the amazing artists who created these lovely icons.
How to Download and Use:
1. Right-click on a Windows icon, then click "properties"
2. Click "Change Icon"
3. Select .ico file you downloaded
4. Click "OK"
5. Click "Apply"
6. You are done! Enjoy <3
Or watch the video here (1:44)
didnt work...
y'all are typing the most weirdest stuff that's not even reletavnt to the actual cursor or reviewing it
i love thisss
who wanna be friends on roblox my acc is @cutieealt1 :-)
Hi Anonymous,sorry I don't have Roblox,but I do have Minecraft education.
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.