Magic wand drawing tool

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Magic wand drawing tool

rsrc/magicwand-tool.png image MAGICWAND is a drawing tool for selecting regions similar to the clicked pixel. The tool works similarly as the rsrc/floodfill-tool.png image FLOODFILL tool.

Magic wand configuration panel

rsrc/magicwand-tool-config.png image

Matching modes:

  • RGBA - similarity of pixels is based on distance between individual color channels.
  • Alpha - similarity of pixels is based on their opacity.
  • Hue - similarity of pixels is based on their hue. Brightness and saturation are disregarded. Handy when you are using the tool to re-color an object with brighter and darker spots.
  • Brightness - similarity of pixels is based on their brightness. Hue and saturation are disregarded.


  • Multiple source points - user may click multiple points in the image and they all act as flood sources. Also, if they have different colors, all these colors are considered when determining similarity.
  • Continuous boost - tolerance is increased in areas without edges and decreased in bumpy areas.
  • Smooth area edges - filters out single pixels and rounds the edges of the selected region.

Tolerance parameter controls how different may the pixels be to be considered close enough to be painted.

How to use Magic wand

If "Multiple source points" is not checked, click on the image and eventually move the mouse with left button down to experiment with the source point. After the mouse button is released, the operation is is finished. The selected area is shown normally, while the not-selected area is greyed out.

If you wish to have more control over the process, use the "Multiple source points" mode. In this mode, you can place multiple source points and move them using control handles. Apply the action with ENTER key, from a context menu or using a Down->Right mouse gesture.

Modifier keys

When SHIFT and/or CTRL keys are down while selecting, they modify the behavior of the tool.

  • No keys - previous selection is overwritten by new selection.
  • SHIFT - newly selected region is added to previous selection.
  • CTRL - new selection negates the old selection (also known as symmetrical difference or XOR function).
  • CTRL+SHIFT - newly selected region is removed from previous selection.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on February 10th 2014

how can i save an image after i have used the magic wand on it? every time i try to save it it never stays. please help

user icon Vlasta site administrator on February 10th 2014

The selection created by the magic wand is not saved. You can use it to modify the image while it exists.

user icon Anonymous on October 3rd 2016

how do i deslect something?

user icon Con The Bro registered user on September 28th 2018

"how can i save an image after i have used the magic wand on it? every time i try to save it it never stays. please help" You Can Select A Tool Like Transformation to rotate and rezise the magic wand selection. this goes with the other types of selection such as brush selection ;-)

user icon Vlasta site administrator on September 28th 2018

Selections are not saved, you are supposed to use them to modify the selected part of the image using an effect or tool.

user icon Anonymous on May 4th 2020

the cursor keeps shaken

user icon Anonymous on February 12th 2021

как ею пользоваться волшебной калочкой

user icon mckristiyan28 registered user on October 1st 2021

When I use the magicwand, it makes some of the pixels become semi transparent. How do I fix this?

user icon Anonymous
Select background
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