Adjustable image to icon conversion

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Adjustable image to icon conversion

RealWorld Icon Editor can open raster images and modify them to be better suited for conversion to icon. If the source images are already suitable for conversion, consider using the batch conversion operation for higher speed or the wizard for simpler user interface. If you having trouble with these methods, you'll probably need to adjust the image before converting it to icon. This article mentions the most common steps involved in the process.

First, open the source image in the application. Common and specialized drawing tools and image filters stand at your disposal. Typical actions include:

Once your image is ready, open the Create menu and click the Create icon command rsrc/red-border.png image.

rsrc/create-icon-manual.png image

There is a couple of predefined commands and also two interactive commands. The difference between them is only in configuration. All of them are based on the Icon - From Image transformation followed by a operation generating 8-bit and 4-bit versions of images.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on June 17th 2013

how to make remove borders from icon
please help :-(

I mean how to remove borders 8-)

user icon Anonymous on May 7th 2021


user icon Anonymous
Select background
What about ICL files?